The worst statuses by far, absolute worst which make me want to end many acquaintances with people are the Facebook statuses about people moaning. People in this day and age like sympathy, they are what my good friend calls "attention hookers". They have no absolute shame and will not think twice on posting a status about them being 'depressed' all the time. Now you may say "hey what if they are really sad, leave them alone", well I would agree with you however, here is where the schizophrenia kicks in. These people gather the attention from people by posting depressive statuses while simultaneously posting other Facebook statuses or comments about doing something fun. These people will be talking to you on msn about how much fun watching the x factor is whilst posting a status about depression. Gathering pathetic and undeserved empathy whilst multitasking. Oh how my blood boils at the sight of this, I feel used, abused and slapped in the face when I read something on Facebook which is trying to extract undeserved empathy/sympathy from me.
The "attention hookers" a term which does not only cover females, do not make that misconception please. Is a term I am using right now for all those people who take pictures of themselves inappropriately to get attention. May it be to feed their insecurity that they need to see a picture of theirs get "100 likes" because they are showing cleavage to the maximum degree or may it be to make their useless day produce something. Whether its guys in a toilet without a shirt on or women holding the camera above their head to capture their external organs, people's pictures on Facebook can get very annoying.
Moving a bit away from people and more into people with applications on Facebook, I must mention all the invitations to the stupid video games I keep receiving. Sometimes I am in a train and my phone rings to alert me, now I do not know what it is alerting me for so I will take it out of my pocket to check if its something important and what I will see is a stupid invitation to Farmville. These invitations would have been excused if they were temporary but no, they are so frequent that I had to ban all of them. But to my surprise, new games always keep popping up and always annoy me because its a new beast which I now need to ban before it drives me insane.
Other than people annoying me, its also the different 'social pages' which never fail to make my face go red. These pages are pages with entertaining names which I ended up liking when I was an idiotic 13 year old and now they are back to haunt me. Just as Scrooge was haunted by the ghosts of his past, these pages haunt me as they post new statuses themselves every minute which I have to plummet through to find my friends (yes I do have some friends which don't annoy me). These social pages post the most out of context and stupid statuses I have ever seen, some statuses I liked about the ninja turtles manage to post a status about 'love' coming a full circle to burden me with hate. Also, it is the fact that these pages are funny little groups which people like and groups which should not be posting something to do with relationships every minute makes me mad. These statuses purpose should not be to hammer you with love stories, asking you for hearts in a 'whorified' way, no ones intention is to receive their constant statuses when they like the page and the page should stop bothering us. No matter where I go these statuses will be present to disappoint, I wish these social pages were not in the thousands so I could have easily deleted them all by now.
Hey you, your the person who actually read all of the article, its an article I had fun writing and do not think that I am a 'Scrooge' like character who is just bitter. I just had fun pointing out some things that I genuinely dislike, I hope you found this entertaining to read and I hope you can empathise with some of this.
This cracked me up, because it is oh-so true on all accounts. I love the pics.
ReplyDeleteI read your article because recently this past months came to this culmination sensation that I was just bored of Facebook and in all honesty, was ready to punch the screen everytime I went on it after being bombarded with the depressive love statuses, the meaningless banter, and the overall evidence of the obsessions behind people and their opinions. It's ludicrous now, and after all this, I feel like your article pinpoints as some other readers, most likely like myself, also have come to the point of asking themselves, "WHY?" when it comes to Facebook, statuses, and this obsession of everyone wanting to know every little detail about someone, or endure the infamous attention whore. Kudos to you for standing up and writing this article!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for reading the article! The rage you and your friends feel when you read the monotonous love statuses is one me and my friends feel too :P
DeleteThis is so cool that you don't like facebook anymore.To delete the facebook account visit this site
it was a nice article, and i had some fun reading to it.
ReplyDeleteNice one mate! So true. Facebook is way over rated! You've made some valid points in your article. Well said!
ReplyDeleteNo kiddin already! Oh! One thing you forgot to mention: why do people add people they Know have always hated them!!?? People like your EXs EX brother in law who despised the very ground you walk on? ...or your EXs young teen kid who was not even on earth when you divorced,by A different EX?? Etc,etc. WHY!!??? Did they not divorce you for a reason!?._ ( reason being you were despised and rejected and never wanted to see their ugly face again?!) Jeeeeeeepers Idiot people! Get a life!
ReplyDeleteMy issue with Facebook, is the addictive nature of it. Also, the psychological pressure of needing to sound smart and right. And the pressure of having to respond coherently, when you're tired or involved with something else.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, you sometimes see a discussion you might have some valuable input for, and you might occasionally want to express your appreciation for an individual whom you admire.
So, my solution is to always use an alias (even if it's obvious who you really are; doesn't really matter), and just jump in every once in a while, make some comments and engage, but don't stay too long.
Maybe some people love to be on Facebook all the time, that's ok. But for certain personality types, I think Facebook is something to be tasted, not part of our daily diet.
I really agree with your point on psychologically needing to sound smart.
DeleteYour solution is something I have been doing since the past year, what I do is I have certain friends I keep contact with through only Facebook and occasionally I talk to them or see what they're up to so I can (if I feel the need) add my own input. But I never daily go on Facebook or always feel the need to keep a new status up, that's something I left about a year ago and its been great ever since, in other friends "not part of our (my) daily diet" anymore. Thank you for the comment.
There are so many people like you and myself that just keep facebook to keep in touch with some distant friends and family, but would really prefer another option. I wonder what percentage of facebook users feel that way. I bet it's pretty high. I guess it's only a matter of time before another better option takes off.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across you blog via your entry about Bible Black and Judas. This post I couldn't agree more with. I really want to close out my Facebook account because, sadly, I have so many miserable friends that really bring me down. They post constantly about how horrible their lives are and it is everybody's fault but their own. Combined with the hateful political posts (on both sides) I get pretty nauseated with Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI wish we could just post the funny and happy things that occur on a day to day basis, and maybe some ones where sympathy and need for friends is really and truly needed...