Thursday, 4 August 2011

Are the Playstation 3 and Vita basically a Wii U

The Playstatio Vita ( stupid name ) is the new SONY handheld, the handheld has a massive touch screen, camera's, sixaxis detector, buttons from a ps3 controller, etc! The portable handheld is damn impressive and now SONY has just announced that it can be used as a PS3 controller.

Nintendo's new Wii successor the Wii U ( again. stupid name ) is building hype upon its controller which has a single touch screen and a camera which sixaxis type motion detector. There are other impressive features where the Wii U controller can get full data from the Wii U in full 360 degrees in extremely fast times. Yeah sounds impressive but if you look at it, now that a PS Vita can be used as a PS3 controller, is the Wii U getting replaced? Is the Wii U losing its 'niche' that it had with the whole ' I have a massive screen on my controller ' thing. I personally believe that SONY will be able to do a lot of the Wii U's features using the PS Vita and the PS3. The reason why I do not believe that the PS3 will replace the Wii U is because SONY will not be making games for people who have PS3's and PSV's whereas every game on a Wii U will probably be designed for the whole 'screened controller' thing. Also I believe that Nintendo has the innovative mind to really work that idea whereas SONY I do not look up to as the most innovative company.


  1. Snazzy comparison, Geeky Penguin. I never even thought of this angle and I haven't seen any other Gaming publication write about it either. You should definitely post this article to as many places as possible to see if it gets picked up. As always, great post!

  2. Thank you :] , I appreciate it a lot
